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Cub Scout Pack 1831
(Manassas, Virginia)
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New Scout Information for Pack 1831

For a successful quick start with Pack 1831 please do the following.

1.  Contact us using this site and/or by emailing 
2.  Start working on the Bobcat requirements listed below, all cub scouts must earn this rank first
3.  Attend one of our upcoming meetings (see the Pack Calendar)
4.  Fill out a membership application and pay the Fall or Spring Dues as appropriate
5.  Fill out the BSA Medical Forms A and B (see attachments listed below)
6.  Purchase the appropriate Cub Scout handbook (based on Rank/Grade)
7.  Complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent's Guide, and earn the Cyber Chip
8.  Purchase the appropriate uniform, Pack 1831 only requires uniforms from the waist up (belt, shirt, neckerchief/slide, & hat)
9.  Continue to attend den/pack meetings and events
10.  Do Your Best to participate in a hike and a pack family campout every year, both are offered in the Spring and Fall


Please obtain a handbook as soon as possible!

Parents:  Click on this link to take Youth Protection Training and help us keep everyone safe!  This is a FREE on-line training course that only takes about 30 minutes to complete, it is required for all volunteers. Please turn in a copy of the certificate to your Den Leader or the Pack Trainer after you have completed the training.


Icon File Name Comment  
680-001_AB - med form.pdf BSA Medical Forms A and B  
New Member Checklist.pdf  
Parents Guide Pamphlet.pdf  
Uniform Inspection Sheet - All Cubs.pdf  
Uniform Inspection Sheet - Webelos.pdf  

Bobcat Requirements

All new Cub Scouts must earn the Bobcat rank first by completing the following requirements.

1. Learn and say the Scout Oath (on the back of the handbook)

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

2. Learn and say the Scout Law (on the back of the handbook)

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly,
courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty,
brave, clean, and reverent.

3. Show the Cub Scout sign

This symbolizes the two alert ears of the wolf and is used by the boys to show that they are ready to listen.

4. Show the Cub Scout handshake.

To do the handshake, put the index and middle fingers of the right hand against the other person's wrist when shaking hands.

5. Say the Cub Scout motto

Do Your Best.

6. Show the Cub Scout salute

To make the salute, the scout joins the index and middle fingers of the right hand (holding the other fingers with the thumb) and touches the extended fingers to the cap visor or forehead.

7. Review the Child/Scout safety Pamphlet in the handbook with Parent/Guardian